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Sunday, August 31, 2008

New movies to be released this week on DVD

How to Rob a Bank (2008) ½* What's most disturbing about this movie is its lack of ambition. Maybe writer-director Andrew Jenkins will take more chances in the future. If he's lucky, this stinker will be quickly forgotten.

Married Life (2008) **½ The appeal of the cast (Pierce Brosnan, Chris Cooper, Patricia Clarkson, Rachel McAdams), the witty dialogue, the gorgeous costumes and production design, and the refreshingly grown-up subject matter can't be discounted. Maybe the film is about compromise, after all, because though it has its moments, it's bewildering as a whole.

Outsourced (2007) *** This is a sweet, good-natured surprise that takes the cliches out of an overworked genre and makes them seem almost fresh and entirely charming. Josh Hamilton gives a marvelously engaging performance in a fish-out-of-water comedy.

The Promotion (2008) ** This isn't quite as boring as it could have been, thanks to writer-director Steve Conrad's strong script and decent performances by John C. Reilly and Seann William Scott.

Reprise (2008) *** This film says many cogent things about success, what it does to people and how they define it. But it also indicts the mechanics of the culture in a way that is neither Danish nor American but globalized and all the more poignant for it.

Then She Found Me (2008) **½ The plot, as hinted, goes strictly by the "How April Got Her Groove Back" book, but it must be said that the performances push it a notch above pedestrian.

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