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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Most politicians talk in circles, just not in these circles

In his news release announcing he was not going to run for the District 13 Dallas City Council seat being vacated by Mitchell Rasansky (he did run as a write-in against Rasansky in 2005), self-styled political activist Rich Sheridan wrote:

"In his work, some animosity towards Sheridan has developed in certain circles, and by certain individuals. It is Sheridan's position that these attitudes are part and parcel of the scenario, that this 'negativity' is an essential part of what is 'Going On'. 'If people don't know what's going on, that they are in a game, a truly life and death game, in a Millenniums long spiritual battle, and all the world's the stage for this battle, and that there are (up to now mostly hidden) rules of this game, then we will always lose. "

Got that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This Rich Sheridan guy is a cancer on Dallas, always spewing hate in the name of God. Rich Sheridan will never shut up, but if he really cared about Dallas, he would, because he's just a poor, pathetic little man with nothing of value to offer.