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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey Guv: What are you so proud of now

The day of reckoning has finally come. It probably won't affect the upcoming gubernatorial election because Texas voters continue to have their collective heads buried in South Padre sands, but this isn't going to be pretty and the worst part is that it could have been avoided with any kind of actual leaders holding political office in this state.

If you haven't heard, Guv Hair's fiscal policies have resulted in a budget shortfall of between $24 and $25 billion, almost 25 percent of the state's current spending. And that means Texas school children, our future, will be shortchanged once again. According to former Republican legislator Talmadge Heflin of Houston: "They'll have to cut. When you look at the big numbers, I just don't think there's any way that you make it match without making some reduction in education, both higher [education] and public education," or grades K-12.

This, from the Dallas Morning News story in today's editions:

Rep. Scott Hochberg, D-Houston, the House's chief education budget writer, said he sees no way public schools will be spared if the GOP majority rules out raising new revenue.

Hochberg said no-tax-hike pledges by many Republican colleagues ignore Texas' dire need to improve high school and college graduation rates, so it can capture higher-paying jobs.

"We've been following a path of trying to be the cheapest state to do business in," Hochberg said. "To the extent we continue ... we're destined to be behind not only the rest of the world, but other states in our ability to be economically prosperous."
Of course, if you see any of Guv Hair's campaign commercials everything is fine. If you see any of Lew Guv David Dewhurst's commercials, it's all President Obama and his health care plan's fault. The man is pathological. But that may give you a hint of why Hair and Dewhurst want to keep Texas education at such low levels: If the masses start gaining some intelligence, they'll see through Hair's and Dewhurst's mismanagement and lies.

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