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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

If you decide to live next to a swine processing plant, don’t complain about the smell

If you build a home along the Atlantic or Gulf coasts, you have to know that at some time you might be in the path of a hurricane. If you build along a California fault line, you do risk falling into a large crevice while you’re sleeping. But those risks may be worth the gamble in many circumstances. I, for one, would love to have a beachfront shack, like this one, on one of the Florida keys.

However, there are other things that are dead solid certain. For instance, if you decide to build or buy a home adjacent to an airport, you are going to be afflicted with some degree of noise that’s going to be of a higher decibel level than, say, if you decided to build next to a cemetery. Yet, it never ceases to amaze me. People will build or buy homes adjacent to a major airport and then complain about the noise. And what amazes me even more is that officials will bend over and grab their knees in attempts to appease these homeowners. Don’t believe me. Love Field sponsors a Web site where it practically begs adjacent residents to complain about the noise. It’s ridiculous.

Likewise, there’s a story in today’s Dallas Morning News about a group of homeowners who decided to build or buy homes next to a municipally operated golf course and are now complaining that golf balls may fly into their yards or through their windows. Duh! I can’t describe how little regard I have for dupes like this. Stop complaining and start selling used golf balls.

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