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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Anybody know the name of an expert sadist, torturer

There are certain people who need to be tortured, who need to experience such excruciating pain that they are praying their lives will end quickly. But they keep on living and they keep on feeling a pain so intense it literally drives them out of their minds.

My latest nominee for this sentence is one Elisabeth Escalona.

Now in case you missed the story on the front page of the Metro Section of Friday’s Dallas Morning News, the aformentioned monster pleaded guilty Thursday to "injury to a child."

"Injury" doesn’t begin to convey what she did. When her 2-year-old daughter pooped in her pants, the woman dragged her daughter by her feet from the kitchen to another room in their house where she kicked her in the stomach, hit her with a jug of milk, a belt and a shoe. She then put glue on the poor girl’s hands and glued them to the wall. When the infant was finally taken to the hospital she was suffering from "extensive bruising, brain swelling, broken bones, swollen intestines, bruised lungs and an injured liver."

To all interested sadists and torturers: the line forms outside my door.

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