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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Paul’s shoe leather strategy seems to be working

Front-runner Ron Paul
While Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Gov. Hair are spending more money than most of us will ever see in a lifetime on television adds in Iowa assaulting one another, Ron Paul is quietly, but effectively conducting an old-fashioned grassroots door-to-door campaign. The most recent polls have Paul replacing Gingrich as the front-runner in Iowa with 21.7 percent of those planning to vote in the Iowa caucuses saying they will cast their votes for the libertarian Texas congressman. Romney is second with 20.3 percent followed by Gingrich (15.7), Hair (12), Bachmann (9.7), Santorum (6.3) and Huntsman (4.3). If my math is correct that means only 10 percent are still on the fence.

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