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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

That diabolical Soupman

I wish I hadn’t crumpled the advertisement and thrown it in the trash the moment I read it so I could refer to it now. It appeared a week or so ago in the Dallas Morning News in the form of an open letter from some diabolical character calling himself the Soupman, asking for help to make the lives of the homeless even more miserable than they already are.

The Soupman was seeking the help of others to put some homeless people up in the plush downtown Omni Hotel for one night. I think it came complete with room service or a meal of some sort provided by the hotel.

As soon as I saw it my immediate reaction was "What a rotten thing to do."

This was nothing more than an a move by misguided high minded Dallas residents to give some homeless individuals a small, brief taste of a life they will never ever get to know before tossing them back into the gutter just so these high society jokers could feel good about themselves, thinking they really did something worthwhile. How shameful!

Here’s a message to the Soupman, whoever you are: Instead of stunts like this, why not get your friends together to help find these people some form of permanent housing and perhaps even a way to make a decent wage.

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