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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Grades for new movies to be released this Tuesday on DVD

Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten (2007) The documentary is a rigorously thorough biography and an impassioned accolade. Director Julien Temple spends as much time on Strummer’s life before and after the Clash as he does charting the band’s powerful musical and political influence. Grade B+

The Ruins (2008) The characters never evolve past mere functionality, and the adherence to certain tried-and-true horror tropes — the good girl who doesn’t want to go but does, the generic naughty kids who get it first — feels workmanlike, robbing the story of any real suspense or surprise. Grade: C-

Sleepwalking (2008) Charlize Theron, Dennis Hopper, Woody Harrelson. As Bill Maher, in his feature directing debut, brings in surreal touches and puts on literary airs, the drama’s grip loosens, and its vernacular turns increasingly wooden. Grade: C-

Stop-Loss (2008) Ryan Philippe. Despite several attempts, I’m still waiting for the drama that convincingly captures the experience of soldiers who’ve fought in Iraq. "Stop-Loss" isn’t that film, but at the very least its efforts are honorable. Grade: B-

Superhero Movie (2008) The gags are consistently weak, though actor Miles Fisher, who, according to the Internet Movie Database, was born right here in Dallas in 1983, turns in a hair-raising impression of Tom Cruise. Grade: D+

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