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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Supreme Court gets its facts wrong in child rape decision

The Supreme Court based its argument on banning capital punishment for child rapists on the fact that 30 states that had a death penalty did not impose it for child rape and neither did the federal government. Thus, the court said, the death penalty in these cases is unconstitutional because it is "unusual."

However, it turns out that fact is fiction.

Only two years ago, according to this story, Congress revised the Uniform Code of Military Justice to allow for the death penalty for child rape. However, according to the story, "Anyone in the federal government — or anywhere else, for that matter — who knew about these developments did not tell the court."

I'm not sure the Supreme Court can call a mulligan on a decision. But perhaps now is a good time for the justices to take a closer look at the "cruel" part of this whole "cruel and unusual" argument.

1 comment:

Captain USpace said...

Child rapists don't deserve the mercy of Death Row and a state execution, they deserve Life in Prison without parole and special protections. This way the other inmates will have many chances to gang-rape the scum every day, and then torture the vermin to death when they are sick of him.
At least the Supremes finally got one right with the DC Gun Ban issue. Hopefully, knowing that more homes may have guns, more raping and home-invading monkeys will cease in this behavior or be blown away as they well deserve. The world will be MUCH better with more of this scum dead.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe feels
sorry for child rapists

when they are murdered
in cold blood by other thugs

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't KILL the raping monkeys

even if they prefer death
over life in prison

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
you may not defend yourself

guns are for criminals
just hope police show in time

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
prosecute citizens

when they kill home invaders
threatening their families

absurd thought -
God of the Universe thinks
women shouldn’t carry guns

their attackers and rapists
don’t deserve their brains blown out

Philosophy of Liberty Cartoon
Child Rapists Deserve Violent Death in Prison
Help Halt Terrorism Today!
