Friday, February 27, 2009
Let the spinning wheel spin, or another reason to favor a convention center hotel
Now I don't know about you, but a casino located just a chip's throw away from the Dallas Convention Center suddenly makes the proposed Convention Center Hotel an even more attractive option. A casino there would also go a long way toward the complete revitalization of the West End.
What might be fun is guessing where a second one might go. I'm leaning toward the Fair Park area for two reasons: 1. I want that area to develop into more of an entertainment destination with attractions happening inside Fair Park year-around (plus it would be near the new DART Green Line) and 2. It would further enhance the city's commitment to revitalizing the southern sector of the city.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
There's no such thing as clean coal
I understand this public service announcement comes to us courtesy of tge Coen Brothers.
Another two-newspaper city bites the dust

First he takes Manhattan, then Grand Prairie
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
It's simply great mate waiting on the levee
"I was very concerned to see that the U.S. Corps of Engineers have deemed the safety of Dallas' levees 'unacceptable.' The Corps revised their safety standards after the Katrina tragedy, and re-evaluated Dallas' levees under this new system. They announced the results of their review yesterday.
"I was surprised that our levees failed to meet the new standards since the Mayor just got back from lobbying our Congressional delegation to pressure the Corps into speeding up their safety evaluation of the Trinity toll road, which is to be built within the levees. If you've been following this issue, you know that no major road like this has ever been built within a levee system. Knowing that our levees do not meet the Corps' new safety standards, I think it's irresponsible to lobby the Corps to speed up what should be a thoughtful, deliberate safety review of an untested engineering design like the toll road. Rushing to pour millions of tons of concrete into an already unsafe levee system is a dangerous plan that could have dire consequences.
"In light of the Corps' safety analysis, it is clear that we need to fix our levees NOW. Not next year, not five years from now, not after a catastrophic flood, but today. But the toll road is holding up our levee improvements. We fix all the safety problems with our levees until the design of this toll road is completed. As long as the toll road is part of the equation, all those parts have to be built to work together, and if we don't have the design for the road, we can't plan the design for the levees, and we certainly can't start fix them.
"The fact is, this toll road project is dead. There's no funding for it. Despite the Mayor's assurances during the Trinity referendum to the contrary, the NTTA just admitted that the toll road is facing a billion dollar funding shortfall. If the Corps is allowed to do their job without political manipulation, the toll road will likely face even more delays as a result of their new safety review. If we continue on this course, if we ignore the obvious warning signs and stubbornly plow ahead, the safety needs of our levees will continue to languish and be held hostage by this white elephant of a toll road for years to come. The dirt will not fly. The Mayor's 2013 deadline for toll road completion will come and go, the toll road cost will double again, and the funding gap will increase exponentially. In another ten years, 2019, future city officials will reluctantly admit that putting the toll road between the levees is not a viable, fundable option. The toll road will finally die with a whimper, and we will have wasted twenty years and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars without the levee improvements we so desperately need. It's time to change course and admit today that this toll road won't work, and find a better way to address our transportation needs without delaying or compromising the safety of our flood levees."
I wish I could share Ms. Hunt's view that the toll road project is dead. I distinctly heard City Manager Mary Suhm tell the Dallas City Council today "The toll road will be built" and the money is available to construct it. I'm not sure where she is coming from, but when she is that sure about something, she is correct 99.99 percent of the time.
I also don't think, like writers from the Advocate and the Observer seem to think, that this assessment from the Corps of Engineers kills the road. This just says there are problems with the levees along the Trinity that need to be rectified. This, to me, is more like someone who wants to repaint his frame house but then discovers there's some rotten wood in parts that needs to be replaced. So, before he repaints his house, he needs to replace the rotting wood. The Corps this time around is simply telling the city to replace the rotting wood in its levees before doing anything else. But the Corps didn't tell the City -- at least, not yet -- it can't repaint its house.
I do, however, emphatically agree that the soundness of our levees is more important than any other part of the Trinity River Corridor Project -- any part, including the toll road, the bird sanctuary, the soccer fields, the fake lakes, the Calatrava bridges, anything. In my wildest imagination, I can't foresee a Katrina-like catastrophe happening here, but, then, I'll bet many people in New Orleans never foresaw it happening there either. Bringing the levees up to standard must be Priority No. 1 for the Trinity River Corridor Project and I would hope the City Council would refuse to approve any other parts of the project until the levee problem is fixed to the Corps' satisfaction.
The high cost of killing
Capital cases are expensive because the trials tend to take longer, they typically require more lawyers and more costly expert witnesses, and they are far more likely to lead to multiple appeals. Studies also found that most of these cases end up with the defendant receiving a life sentence anyway. In the last 20 years in Maryland, for example, prosecutors sought the death penalty 162 times. Of those, only five were executed and five more are awaiting execution.
A bill has been introduced in Colorado that would abolish the death penalty and use the savings to create a cold-case unit to investigate the state's 1,400 unsolved murders.
Texas faces budget problems as well but knowing its penchant for killing people -- dispensing frontier justice in these more civilized times -- I doubt if we have enough clear thinking lawmakers to bring this topic up for serious discussion.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The shot heard round the NBA world
Former (lamentably) Dallas Maverick Devin Harris delivers a miracle for the Nets to defeat the 76ers last night. (I will continue to do anything I can to remind the world that this trade was a miserable mistake for the Mavericks.)
Plastic shopping bags revisited

"Some officials say they fear a public backlash if they were to raise fees in an economic downturn; others say governments need the revenue now more than ever. Still others say a cleaner environment, not revenue, is their only goal."
I'm thinking it's time Dallas revisit the idea of levying a tax on each of these bags used by consumers (that would be added to the bill at checkout). For one thing it could generate revenue the city apparently sorely needs. For another, it could put Dallas at the forefront of environmental sensitivity. Here's the deal: If consumers feel the charge is too much of a hardship on them, they can switch to reusable bags like the one pictured above left -- bags many of us use already.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscar complaints
Only two really. The first is the fact that this song wasn't even nominated and the second is that "Waltz With Bashir" didn't win the documentary award. The manner in which the documentary Oscar is decided needs to be changed. There are approximately 5,100 voting members in the Academy, but less than 10 percent of them get to vote in the documentary category.
Next year's Oscars and last night's show
However, before we get too far away from this year's Oscars I would like to add my two cents about last night's show, which, to me was one of the best ever. The highlights included Hugh Jackman's opening number, particularly the surprising duet with Ann Hathaway; Tina Fey's hilarious interchange with Steve Martin, the only time in the history of the Oscar telecast that banter between presenters has actually worked (I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they had written this bit themselves); and Judd Apatow's film that reviewed the comedies of 2008. But the best bit was the manner in which the acting awards were announced, with five previous winners of the award in question handing out tributes to each of the nominees. That is a feature I hope becomes a permanent part of all future Oscar shows.
Indy's Joaquin is funnier than Stiller's
Many viewers probably saw Ben Stiller's take on Joaquin Phoenix during last night's Oscar telecast, but fewer may have realized a similar bit was done the day before during the independent Spirit Awards and it was even funnier. Take a look for yourself.
Memo to Viet vets: Get over it
I yam what I yam
Why is it, then, most grocery stores around here stock plenty of yams, but not sweet potatoes? Today I went out looking for sweet potatoes and could not find them at Kroger, Tom Thumb or Wal-Mart. They had plenty of yams, but no sweet potatoes. I finally went to where anyone serious about cooking should go, Central Market, and found exactly what I was looking for.
But I wish other grocery stores in this area would wake up to the fact that yams are not sweet potatoes and should never be used as a substitute for sweet potatoes when cooking something requiring sweet potatoes.
New movies to be released tomorrow on DVD
The Haunting of Mary Hartley (2008) * The real shocker is how hellishly yawn-inducing this utterly pointless and forgettable Haunting turns out to be. It’s enough to make you scream.
Sex Drive (2008) ** It’s not "Sixteen Candles," but it’s not "Road Trip," either. Instead, this comedic car-trip riff on the teen-male libido and the lengths to which it will go to satisfy itself falls somewhere in between part endearing emo love story, part gross-out semen gag-fest, and, very occasionally, a smart, inspired, non-sequitur-laden hoot.
What Just Happened (2008) **½ An industry in-joke between director Barry Levinson and his friends, who just happen to be Hollywood’s heavy weights.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oscar Picks
If any picture other than Slumdog Millionaire wins this it will be an even bigger shock than Brokeback Mountain not winning three years ago.
Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle won the Directors Guild award and, thus, he wins this Oscar as well.
Most argue this is a two-person race, but I think any one of three nominess could win this: Frank Langella for Frost/Nixon, Mickey Rourke for The Wrestler or Sean Penn for Milk. I'm going with Penn for the following reasons: 1. (and most important) He gave the best performance by an actor in a leading role; 2. He is the finest actor of his generation and this is a way for the Academy to acknowledge that fact; 3. If an actress as limited as Hilary Swank can win two acting Oscars within five years, certainly someone as great as Penn can win two in the same period of time; 4. Milk is the best of the three films; 5. I'm convinced more voters saw Penn's performance than the other two; 6. I don't think Rourke resonates well among women voters; and 7. Voters based in California (i.e., the majority of voters) will want to atone for the passage of Prop. 8.
Everyone says this is a two-person race between Kate Winslet for The Reader and Meryl Streep for Doubt. I think it is a two-person race between Winslet and Melissa Leo for Frozen River and an upset by Ms. Leo here would not surprise me in the least. But Winslet wants it badly, she's been campaigning for it like mad, and I think the Academy feels it owes her.
Supporting Actor
Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, of course (unless voters actually go with the best supporting performance and award Michael Shannon for Revolutionary Road, but I don't expect that to happen).
Supporting Actress
All the signs, all the precursors, all the odds point to a win by Penelope Cruz for Vicky Cristina Barcelona, which is exactly why I'm going for the upset: Viola Davis for Doubt.
Original Screenplay
My heart says WALL-E and my head says Milk, and this time I'm going to go with my head.
Adapted Screenplay
Slumdog Millionaire in a walk
Foreign Language Film
Waltz With Bashir outduels The Class.
Documentary Feature
Man on Wire
Animated Film
Personally, I thought WALL-E was the best film of the year and it's a shame that this might be the only Oscar it will win.
Art Direction
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
Costume Design
The rule here is always go with the film with the most nominations which means The Curious Case of Benjamin Button should win this. However, this time I'm flaunting the rule and picking The Duchess.
Film Editing
Slumdog Millionaire
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire
"Jai Ho" from Slumdog Millionaire in a close one over Peter Gabriel's "Down to Earth" from WALL-E
Sound Editing, Sound Mixing
These are two Oscars that WALL-E deserves to win and quite easily could win. But for some reason, the Academy, most of the time, doesn't go with the film that deserves to win in these categories, but the loudest film in these categories. Therefore, I'm picking The Dark Knight to take home these two Oscars.
Visual Effects
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Animated Short
I'm hearing rumors about a Pixar revolt and if that materializes then La Maison en Petits Cubes will win this, but my money's going to stay with Presto.
Live Action Short
Toyland (Spielzeugland)
Documentary Short
The Witness: From the Balcony of Room 306
Friday, February 20, 2009
Turn it on, wind it up, blow it out GTO
That trip resulted in a number of firsts for me -- my first visits to the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, the Hearst Castle and Salt Lake City. I remember driving the GTO north from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon thinking "I'm going a long way out of my way just to see a hole in the ground." That "hole" turned out to be one of the most awe-inducing sights I've ever seen and, as a result, I now make regular pilgrimages to the Grand Canyon.
Anyway, I thought about that adventure in that particular car today when I read this New York Times story about the demise of the Pontiac as a stand-alone GM division. The Pontiac used to be a great American car and I'm betting just about everyone over 50 has some kind of memories associated with a Pontiac. Can't honestly say I'm going to miss the Pontiac -- I really never thought of getting another one after that original GTO. But I will always remember my first new car and how it took me to my first Grand Canyon experience and to see Diane Keaton live and totally nude in "Hair."
"Take it out to Pomona and let 'em know that I'm the coolest thing around. Little buddy, gonna shut you down when I turn it on, wind it, blow it out GTO. Wa-Wa ....."
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Gov. Perry's Saran Wrap
A few minutes later she summoned me into the kitchen for a private conversation and asked me if, in fact, we used any products manufactured by Dow. I told her that. yes, she used a lot of Saran Wrap which, at that time, was a Dow product (after the chemical that prevented oxygen from permeating the wrap was removed due to environmental concerns, a less effective Saran Wrap was sold to Johnson & Johnson, which manufactures it today).
A few moments later, my equally defiant sister-in-law marched back into the living room and announced to one and all that from that day forward "I will continue to use Saran Wrap, but I won't like it very much."
I was reminded of that incident when I read this story in today's Dallas Morning News about Gov. Perry accepting Texas' share of the federal stimulus funds.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Oscar Predictions: Makeup

Advocate blows it big time
In his February letter from the publisher, Wamre talked about visiting a neighborhood restaurant during lunch and, gasp!, the joint was practically empty. Wamre's solution was as simple as it was wrongheaded. He wrote:
"If you believe in the importance of small businesses as part of the fabric of our neighborhood, this is the time to prove it. The businesspeople who have their roots in our neighborhood, who hire our neighbors and who volunteer at our schools and churches need our help. Given a choice, if there was ever a time to shop locally, this is it. Because if we don’t, we could spend the next few years walking or driving by lots of empty storefronts that used to be staffed by people we know selling services and products we need."
For those of us who have found ourselves unemployed because of this financial mess and are struggling to make ends meet, such advice from someone fortunate enough to have enough to eat out on a regular basis is like receiving a couple of more knife wounds to an already stricken body. The last thing we need is for those with money telling those of us struggling during these times how to spend what we don't have.
Then to add more salt to the wounds, Advocate blogger Keri Mitchell compounds the error of Wamre's ways by telling us how we should all join in splurging for burgers and shakes in some corner of a wi-fi heaven she found in Lake Highlands. I felt like telling her where she could cram that wireless laptop of hers, but ...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Perry the hypocrite
However, Perry has dispensed two of his top commissioners to the House Appropriations Committee to explain how the governor plans to use stimulus funds. HHSC Commissioner Albert Hawkins said the money will be needed for providing health care for Texas children and Education Commissioner Robert Scott told committee members that stimulus funds will be used to pay for textbooks that Republicans in the legislature have refused to fund for the last six years.
The man speaketh out of both sides of his political mouth.
DVDs downward spiral
That's why the drastic decline in DVD sales is sending shocks through the industry. According to the trade magazine Variety, DVD sales dropped 11 percent last year. DVDs that were expected to perform well, such as "The Dark Knight" and the latest "Indiana Jones" all fell way below expectations. The obvious reason for this is the slumping ecomony but there are others who say it is more than that.
One culprit, interestingly, is Blue Ray, which has emerged as the winner in the high-definition DVD sweepstakes. Apparently, while the average consumer saw a major difference between videotapes and DVDs, they are not seeing the differences between regular DVDs and Blue Ray. The prices on regular DVDs are being discounted out of a belief more consumers are turning to Blue Ray, a turn that hasn't yet materialized. As a result, DVD revenues are down. It is also believed on-line downloading has cannibalized DVD sales.
So what does this mean? As far as I'm concerned, it's not a pleasant outlook. Studios may just want to release their major theatrical product on DVD and hold up on those that only enjoyed limited releases, which are often the movies I really want to see, films like the magnificent "4 Months, 3 Weeks, 2 Days." I'm hoping this doesn't happen, but when the industry is controlled by bean counters instead of artistic types, who knows what these devils might do.
Austen meets Arnold
Then, right in the middle of the ball, a space alien invades the premises and begins killing all those attending the ball.
I have no idea whether that's how the movie "Pride and Predator" will unfold, but it apparently is going to go something along those lines, which could be a hoot. You can read more about it here.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Oscar Predictions: Foreign Language Film

New movies to be released tomorrow on DVD
Changeling (2008) **½ While the neo-Gothic tale is inherently intriguing, the film should inspire strong emotion, but deliberate pacing and a contained sense of melodrama make it a surprisingly passive experience.
Choke (2008) ** Cluttered and flavorless, it crams the novel’s nervy narration into an irritating voiceover, and leaps around in time and space with all the attention span of an ADD-addled child.
Flash of Genius (2008) **½ No matter how noble, not everyone’s life should be made into a movie.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year (2008) **½ Even if the refreshing gust doesn’t stay with you long, it’s fun while it lasts.
How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (2008) *½ The movie based on Toby Young’s 2002 memoir is a good bit blunter than its source. One early laugh comes at the expense of a pig urinating on a woman’s feet at the BAFTA awards, the British equivalent of the Oscars. And it doesn’t get much better, or much smarter, than that.
I Served the King of England (2008) *** It’s a funny, even whimsical film about a man who survives tragic times, complete with Nazis, pratfalls and plenty of mugging.
Quarantine (2008) ** Director John Erick Dowdle manages a few nice shocks and some neat moments of pitch-black gallows humor, but this film nevertheless feels awfully familiar, and it grows less convincing with each passing moment. At its worst, it abandons realism entirely and flirts with gory kitsch.
Religulous (2008) **½ While even believers can support humorist/author Bill Maher’s skepticism, when he denounces the faithful in sweeping absolutes at film’s end, he sounds as absolutely certain as those he has mocked for the previous 100 minutes.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pelham 123 to be taken again
Last night I had the perfect Valentine's: a grilled cheese sandwich/made-from-scratch Manhattan clam chowder dinner with My Hero, her son and his best friend followed by a movie. We watched Walter Matthau as "Charley Varrick," which, along with the below-mentioned "Friends of Eddie Coyle," is among my favotie "little" crime movies that flourished during the 1970s. Another one, that also starred Matthau, was "The Taking of Pelham 123," which came up in our conversation last night after watching "Charley Varrick." Now it turns out, as you can see from the above trailer, that the film is being remade with Denzel Washington playing the role originated by Matthau, John Travolta in the part originally played by Robert Shaw and James Gandolfini as the mayor of New York.
A DVD release to anticipate
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
The Mavericks at the break

1. The Mavericks are getting better. Their 6-2 record since the last time they played Boston illustrates this. It seems this unit is finally starting to play together as a team for the first time since the Jason Kidd acquisition. Which leads me to:
2. No matter how great the temptation, the Mavericks should refrain from making any trades. Don't disrupt the team chemistry that seems to be building.
3. The Boston Celtics are simply a better team than the Mavericks (which, I guess, should be obvious since they are the defending NBA champs). The Celts battled back without their coach (tossed after two technicals) and their all-around best defender, Kevin Garnett, who earned his fifth foul in the third quarter and largely rode the bench the rest of the way.
4. Paul Pierce is a better player than Dirk Nowitzki. I don't think there's ever been any doubt that Pierce is a better defender than Nowitzki, but last night, in the fourth quarter crunch time, Pierce scored more points than the entire Mavericks team.
A trashy campaign in District 13

Oscar Predictions: Actress

Thursday, February 12, 2009
See all five best picture nominees in one sitting

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Why are our utility rates increasing faster than any other state?

The anti-"Reader" argument

Drought in Texas
"The worst drought in nearly 100 years is racking three-quarters of Texas. Much of the state has not had a significant rainfall since August. Winter wheat crops have failed. Ponds have dried up. Ranchers are spending heavily on hay and feed pellets to get their cattle through the winter. Some wonder if they will have to slaughter their herds come summer. Farmers say the soil is too dry for seeds to germinate and are considering not planting."
The story did mention recent rains in Dallas and Austin but said they were "not enough to offset the 20-inch deficit in rainfall over the last 18 months."
The piece continues: "A weather pattern over the Pacific known as La Nina has pushed the Gulf Stream northward, keeping the normal fall and winter rains away, meteorologists say. In the last three months, only about a quarter of the usual rain and snow has fallen across the state."
Maybe I missed it, but I have not seen stories about this in the local media.
Oscar Predictions: Documentary Feature

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who would play Judy?

I don't care what he says, my money's still on Winslet

Oscar Predictions: Film Editing

The Oscar for the best performance by an actor everyone overlooked is ...

Monday, February 9, 2009
A future of healing
I received this video from my son who is currently attending Parker Chiropractic School. He sent it with the following message:
"this is what i go to school for. i love the idea of one less kid "diagnosed and drugged". this is a small story, but hopefully more people will start seeing this side of chiropractic!"
Hey, you don't need capitalization skills to be a great healer.
Oscar smackdown: Penn vs. Rourke

That being said, my vote goes to Penn for one simple reason: The award is supposed to recognize an outstanding achievement by an actor in a leading role. I can't get over the notion that Rourke is not really acting that much in "The Wrestler," but just being himself in a film that is a slightly disguised story of his own resurrection. Penn's performance, on the other hand, is a master-class in acting. Look at Penn as Jimmy Markum in "Mystic River," Samuel J. Bicke in "The Assassination of Richard Nixon," Paul Rivers in "21 Grams," Sam Dawson in "I am Sam," Emmet Ray in "Sweet and Lowdown," and especially his Matthew Poncelet in "Dead Man Walking" and see if you can find a trace of his Harvey Milk in any of them.
Sean Penn and Daniel Day Lewis are the two best actors of their generation. Last year, the Motion Picture Academy recognized part of that fact by awarding Lewis his second acting trophy. Now it's time the Academy continue this by recognizing Penn's artistry a second time. Sentimentality, be damned.
Whatever happened to Leo Chaney?
I am going to tell you which incumbent is the most vulnerable. It's Carolyn Davis, but only because she is the weakest city council person this city has seen in decades, not because there is somebody strong lined up to run against her. So far her opponents are bus driver Gary Wayne Springer and Jeff Lipscomb, who claims to be a cousin of legendary politico Al Lipscomb. I understand DISD trustee Ron Price is considering running and his entry could make the race interesting. Price is a paradox -- while not all that popular in his DISD district, he does manage to get just enough votes to win elections.
Which brings me back to the question I posed in this headline because I really want to know where Leo Chaney is, what he is doing, why he has been so silent for the last two years and why, in heaven's name, he isn't positioning himself to take back his old District 7 seat. Chaney could defeat Davis in his sleep and I, for one, would like to see him bring intelligence back to that City Council seat.
As for the rest of the city council, I thought Dave Neumann would be toast in District 3 if former council member Ed Oakley wanted his old seat back, but apparently he doesn't, so I'm now convinced Neumann is absolutely safe. The District 8 race could be interesting. Personally, I think incumbent Tennell Atkins is doing a reasonably good job, but he might have to go against the Lipscomb machine and if that machine is still as strong as it once was (which is questionable) than Atkins could be in trouble. For some reason, District 4's Dwayne Carraway has decided to take on District 5's Vonciel Jones Hill and if Carraway's hand-picked candidate, former Park Board member Tiffany Young, can raise sufficient cash, she could at least force Hill into a runoff.
One final thing. There are going to be two open seats available. One is District 13's Mitchell Rasansky, a man who has been a flat tire on the wheels of Dallas progress for the last eight years, and the other is Dr. Elba Garcia, who proved herself to be a passionate and able leader during her eight years on the council. When she first ran I thought she would be little more than a stooge for her husband Domingo, but that hasn't been the case. She leaves behind a positive legacy -- the new Dallas animal shelter on I-30. I had heard she was thinking about running for the Dallas County Commissioners Court, where she wouldn't be term-limited, and I hope she does. The area needs her sense of vision. A lot of us are going to miss her on the Dallas City Council.
Oscar Predictions: Director

New movies to be released this week on DVD
Blindness (2008) ** The trouble with this movie is that it’s so preoccupied with shouldering this symbolic weight that it gradually forgets to tell a story — to keep faith with the directives of common sense.
Frozen River (2008) ***½ Does what too many independent American movies only pretend to do: Takes you to an unnoticed corner of our country and shows what it’s like to actually live there.
The Guitar (2008) * That the movie is easy on the eyes (Saffron Burrows’ fetching silhouette against those sunset river views) doesn’t make it any less bogus.
The Lodger (2009) ½* Filled with second-rate Brian DePalma twists, noirishly blurred lights and usually solid actors mouthing potboiler brine, this movie resembles bottom-shelf ‘80s dreck.
Miracle at St. Ana (2008) *½ When director Spike Lee isn’t doing cinematic somersaults or mining for injustice, he doesn’t seem to know where to put the camera. The logistics of the plot make no sense, and he has nothing to sell but the theme of our common humanity — in which, on the evidence, I don’t think he believes.
My Name Is Bruce (2008) *½ The only things missing from this unfunny Bruce Campbell love fest are a passable script, Sam Raimi’s inventiveness, and a level of sophistication beyond nose-picking and ass grabs.
Nights in Rodanthe (2008) *½ A shameless puddle of romantic slop.
Soul Men (2008) ** Couldn’t be more unhip — it just never hits the groove.
W. (2008) **½ Director Oliver Stone paddles down the giant river of George W. Bush’s life without exploring any of the tributaries; he passes by two or three dozen better movies along the way.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Oscar Predictions: Adapted Screenplay

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Oscar Predictions: Animated Feature

Friday, February 6, 2009
Oscar Prediction: Best Picture
Like I said yesterday, I am going with the sure things first and if any other film other than "Slumdog Millionaire" wins the best picture Oscar it will be the biggest upset in Oscar history.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Oscar Prediction: Best Supporting Actor
I'm going to start my countdown to the Oscars with my annual predictions, starting with the slam dunks and working up to the more competitive races. I can't imagine more of a sure thing than Heath Ledger winning the Supporting Actor Oscar for his channeling of 1952-1954 Marlon Brando in "The Dark Knight."
Eight Minutes to Gold
Viola Davis has only about eight minutes of screen time in the movie "Doubt," but her performance in that eight minutes might be dynamic enough to win her an Oscar for best supporting actress.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Doing the right thing
Then reports came to light about his failure to report certain incomes and to pay taxes on that income. What was even more troubling to me was that this income came from health-related companies he would have to do business with as HHS secretary. I winced. I am not saying that his ties to the industry would cloud his judgment, only that the subject should never come up in the first place.
So I was glad to see this morning that Mr. Daschle had withdrawn his name from nomination. It was the right thing to do.
Speaking of doing the right thing, however, makes me realize that President Obama and his team needs to do a better job on background checks of its appointees. Mr. Daschle's withdrawal immediately followed the withdrawal Nancy Killefer as White House Chief Performance Officer. And much earlier New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson withdrew his name as Commerce Secretary because of questions about his handling of state contracts. One of the reasons I was so enthusiastic about an Obama presidency was that I expected him to bring ethics back into the White House, so these ethical road humps have become a little too numerous for my liking.
Monday, February 2, 2009
New movies to be released this week on DVD
Bottle Shock (2008) **½ I found myself in a tug-of-war between enjoying this film as entertaining fluff, and thinking that there might be a more serious, gritty, complicated story lurking behind the grab-ass soap opera.
Everybody Wants To Be Italian (2008) * So awash in tired ethnic clichés that the story drowns.
Hounddog (2008) * An indigestible gumbo of Southern Gothic ingredients seasoned with snake oil, biblical hash and thoroughly unpalatable spice.
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008) **½ Young children will enjoy this piece of sweet cartoon candy. (DVD will be released Friday)
Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (2008) *** Let’s call this "High Fidelity Nano." It’s a little bit less in every way, lighter and cuter than its archetypal elder, but it might just fit your present lifestyle all the better. Who needs to go back to the polysyllabic spree of John Cusack channeling Nick Hornby when you have Michael Cera making awkward emo look so lovable?
The Secret Life of Bees (2008) **½ Hampered by over-earnestness and tugs too intently at the heartstrings.
Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) **½ Crude, hilarious, if a little corny, writer/director Kevin Smith’s latest hardcore comedy is right on the money shot.