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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Republican serial killers

Macreconomic Advisers, an independent economic group, estimated President Obama’s Jobs Bill would create 1.2 million jobs next year alone. A similar organization, Moody’s Analytics, forecast job growth from the bill at 1.9 million. 70 U.S. mayors, including Dallas Mayor Mike, supported the legislation with Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigoso saying "The plan includes common-sense ideas which have historically been supported by both parties. It would invest in infrastructure jobs, keep teachers in the classroom, and help businesses hire more workers."

So what do Congressional Republicans do? They kill the legisation and offer nothing in its place.

Fourteen million Americans are out of work, wages are falling, poverty is rising and many are forecasting the coming of a second recession. And the Republicans, who care only about removing the first black President from office, refuse to do anything to help. Their only response is "cut regulations and everything will magically be okay." Cutting regulations does nothing to put people back to work. It’s all talk and no action.

This is criminal.

The last Republican presidential debate — the one earlier this week in New Hampshire — was supposed to be about the state of the economy, but what they debated had nothing to do with the economy that exists in America today. There was Herman Cain’s absolutely asinine "9-9-9" plan that would do nothing but cut taxes for the rich, increase them for the poor, raise the national debt and have absolutely no effect on economic growth.

Then along comes Gov. Hair who is so out of touch he thinks the entire country should have an environment as dirty as we have here in Texas by proposing to drill oil wells on every acre in America.

Was Obama’s bill the panacea to completely rescue the economy to the level it was before No. 43 and his Wall Street cadre destroyed it? No, but at least it was a solid plan combining a middle-class tax break and public works projects that would have created actual jobs and given the economy a needed jolt.

I just hope the American people are smart enough to realize who is coming up with solid plans to revive the economy and who is systematically killing them.

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