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Monday, February 18, 2008

Perhaps complete and utter stupidity will someday be eradicated but the signs indicate it won't happen in my lifetime

I am not going to bore you with the sad, sad story of my shredded tires and my visit with the good folks at Discount Tire in Sherman this afternoon to get four -- count -em, four! -- new ones.

What I am going to mention is how desperately sad it made me feel while exiting the parking lot and having whatever satisfaction I had with four new tires completely destroyed by seeing the car in front of me sporting a bumper sticker that said "A vote for Obama is a vote for Osama."

What holes do these people slither out of?


Anonymous said...

Thank God for your blog. A voice of intelligence and humanity can actually be found in Dallas.

Anonymous said...

On the right, I hate those who live by bumper sticker slogans espousing charges that don't even stick to the target; but on the left all the celebrity syndrome over candidate Barack Obama is extremely worrying to me.

I think the new campaign ad Hilary began running in Texas today (Fri 2-29) sums it up great for me: You see a dark room where someone is sleeping and the phone is ringing and ringing. The voice over is talking about who you want answering the White House phone in the middle of the night when someplace the world, the doodoo has hit the fan.

I'm all for hope in the future, but I want someone who knows what's actually going on in the world today and not a candidate just offering me some Hallmark card sentiment about hope that encourages me there is not reason to be concerned about our dangerous just continue 'to party like its 1999.'

The things that disqualify Obama for Commander in Chief are not the false things being reported, but the true things being ignored.