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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary + Bill (and Hillary's future)

Either he is one of the world's great actors or Bill Clinton really was proud of his wife's speech last night at the Democratic National Convention. Throughout her address, which you can see in its entirety here, the camera kept going to the former President to check his reaction. He seemed to be beaming throughout, except at one point where he looked close to tears. Judge for yourself.

Incidentally, last night I was having a discussion with My Hero who asked me what I thought of Hillary vis-a-vis the vice presidency or whether Barach Obama plans to name her to a significant cabinet post. I told her I thought Barach Obama has something more significant mind -- that he intends, if he wins the election, to name her to the first vacancy that occurs on the Supreme Court. I am also the personal opinion that she would make a superb Supreme Court justice.

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