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Friday, September 19, 2008

Here's something to think about (or not)

One of the ideas airlines are considering to reduce fuel costs is the idea many motorists are pondering -- smaller, more streamlined, planes that carry fewer passengers than today's gas-guzzling behemoths. Out goes the SUVs and the minivans, in come the sub compacts.

Problem here is what if there is no significant dropoff in passenger traffic? In fact, what if that traffic increases?

Robert Sturgell, the head of the Federal Aviation Administration, is asking himself these same questions and even answering them. In fact, on a trip to the Midwest recently he told the Associated Press that Chicago needs a third airport. Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, however, is not sure he agrees.

I don't think there's concern about this on the local front. DFW Airport has plenty of room to expand. The question here is, if it does need to expand to accommodate additional planes and flights, will there be enough capacity at the cities they want to fly to?

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