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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Herb Wyans comes out of the closet. Any way we can stuff him back in?

I’m not sure what to make of Herb Wynans of Denton. Either the guy is dumber than someone who thinks Bucky Larson: Born to be a Star is good movie or more completely out of touch than someone who sat through Bucky Larson and enjoyed it.

One thing’s for sure: Herb Wynans is a racist.

But is he aware of that? That’s the crucial question. I know this, however: By having this letter appear on the editorial page of today’s Dallas Morning News, I’m not sure any of his oars reach the water:

"Whenever I visit my local Walmart, I’m struck by the number of Hispanics I typically see. And even more striking is the abundance of young Hispanic women, either pregnant or pushing a basketful of bambinos. I automatically think: illegals, anchor babies, America’s generosity and tax dollars being taken advantage of.

I wonder, God forbid, does this make me a racist?"

Two questions. First, Herb, why do you even ask the question? Second, Morning News, what public good did you think you were serving by printing this letter from this racist?


Unknown said...

Part 1 of comment

Ouch! You really know how to hurt a guy.

I was browsing the web the other day and happened across your response to my DMN LTE of this previous October. You, Pete, are indeed skilled at the art of insult.

O.K.! I'm busted. You got me. I admit it. I am a racist. No, not one of the fire-breathing, cone-headed, cross-burning, in-your-face hate mongers so common amongst all races but a racist nonetheless. And meanwhile, I make no apology for my WalMart observation. While couched in irony, it certainly has a basis in reality and was rendered in an attempt to make a point; the point that while immigration, at least of the legal variety, is the foundation of America's greatness, illegal immigration may be the instrument of her decline.

But regarding racism, perhaps you overlook the fact that we're all racist to some degree. Some more so, some less so, but all some. It's just that I'm one of the relatively few with the politically-incorrect cojones to acknowledge it, especially in print.

But you see, it's my thoroughly considered opinion that racism is both universal and eternal. To insist that oneself is not afflicted by this all-too-human scourge is to deny one's humanity. In other words, to claim absolute freedom from racist thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors is to assume perfection; a quality solely peculiar to God.

So how about yourself, Pete? Have you somehow been elevated into God's realm where no imperfections exist? Where there is absolutely no hint of racism? If so, then CONGRATULATIONS! If not, then... Hey, welcome back to the human race.

And meanwhile, racism is, again, eternal. Check out your history books. Check out the holy scriptures. Racism's been around as long as there have been races. Some even suggest a racial disparity between the legendary Cain and Abel. Think about it.

What matters is not whether we indulge in racism, as we all do, but to what degree and in what manner we express our bigotry. Personally, I'm just your garden variety racist; one who limits his social discrimination activities to occasional LTE's and very infrequent, and typically low-key, use of such social pejoratives as, say, "spic", "wop", and "gook" as well as "honky" and, of course, "nigger"; that last in keeping with the appellation so commonly used amongst many of my black brethren.

But how about yourself, Pete? Have these aspersions ever passed across your lips or even through you mind? Ever? (C'mon now Pete, be honest).

Regardless, my particular brand of racism exists pretty much solely within a context; that of addressing an issue evolving more from a concern about numbers than about colors: the issue of Illegal Immigration. Hispanics, though technically not a race, are my focus simply because they constitute the lion's share, and then some, of illegal immigrants.

As a thorough proponent of ZPG (that's Zero Population Growth to you, Pete), I look upon the northward-surging tidal wave of generally illegal Hispanics as anathema to America's successful future.

End of Part 1

Unknown said...

Part 2 of comment:

I see the corruption, contamination, crime, and congestion, already so much a part of the American scene, being outrageously exacerbated by the near-unbridled influx of generally impoverished and uneducated illegal immigrants. I see the diminishment of our already- precious natural resources at an ever-increasing rate.

I see the debasement of our political system by ass-kissing office holders eager to court the vote of the emerging Hispanic bloc. This last, of course, applies primarily to Obama & Company though Republicans, too, are beginning to see the writing on the wall (in Spanish, of course).

I see America's business community taking advantage of the cheap labor presented by the Illegals, often subjecting them to horrendous working conditions at slave wages, while dismissing the employment of Real Americans, even while national unemployment figures hover in the 8.0 to 8.3 range.

I see the advantage being taken of an overly-permissive American taxpayer by Illegals exploiting our education, welfare, and medical systems (think "anchor baby", Pete. Think "chain migration.")

I see the bastardization of what should be America's official language...English; a language respected throughout the world. The language of our Constitution and Declaration of Independence. A language having its eminence assailed right here at home, in this foremost of English-speaking nations, by such as the abominable "Press 1 for English".

And I could go on, and on, and on presenting my views both positive (yes, positive!) and negative regarding both racial and immigration considerations but, given your scurrilous attack on my LTE, I suspect my words would fall wasted upon blind eyes. But the glove's now been thrown and, should you choose to engage further in this vein, I welcome it. But please, if you would, conduct yourself a bit more substantially in your response for on this issue, at least, I fully believe I have more oars in the water than a fleet of Roman triremes and would appreciate intelligent discourse.

And by the way, just who or what is "Bucky Larson"? Unfortunately I've not had the pleasure of viewing it though it seems you have. Tell me, did you find it enjoyable?

Herb Wynans