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Friday, February 15, 2008

But I need that double shot mocha latte grande light and I need it right now!!!

Don't take this to the bank just yet but I have heard that Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz has grown more than just a little unhappy about the product coming out of his stores. For example, milk is supposed to be steamed for each individual drink, yet Schultz has claimed to have seen Starbucks employees steam a small pitcher and then pour the ingredients into several drinks. Only 30 seconds, from what I have been told, is supposed to lapse between the time espresso is brewed until it goes into a specific dream yet Schultz has allegedly witnessed baristas brewing espresso and setting it aside to use when needed.

Finally, according to a source I have inside Starsbucks, Schultz decided he couldn't stand it anymore. To fix these problems, he has ordered a system-wide shutdown of all Starbucks stores for the purpose of re-training employees.

From what I have heard, all stores will close for at least two hours at 5 p.m. (local times) on a Friday afternoon either later this month or next month during which time all the stores' employees, regardless of what shift they work, will undergo a mandatory training program. During this time, each store has been told to place urns filled with gratis coffee along with coffee condiments outside to help those addicts like moi who just have to have a shot of something.

Truth in packaging: All this information is unconfirmed and comes from a single source inside the Starbucks corporation.

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