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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Gov. Hair claims to be smarter than scientists

Global warming? It's all hogwash, according to Gov. Hair, and if the the feds try to put a limit on carbon emissions in Texas, "the largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the United States," then by gosh and by gum, it will destroy the state's economy. Of course, part of the reason he's saying this is because his likely primary opponent, Kay Baily Hutchison, is also appealing to the uninformed on this issue. She says the main method Washington lawmakers are considering to regulate these emissions "is onerous and misguided, and it will raise energy prices for consumers and adversely impact workers and small businesses during a time of economic hardship."

Of course, it does nothing of the kind. In fact, just the opposite is true. It establishes a market in carbon emissions that will actually create ways to profit off of being good environmental stewards. It also provides incentives to reduce energy usage, which can help keep energy costs lower as supplies decrease. But then that's not good news for the giant utility companies which are among Texas Republicans' biggest financial supporters.

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