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Friday, July 24, 2009

Denny's may not be haute cuisine, but give me a break here

The Center for Science in the Public Interest, "a nonprofit group active in nutrition and food-safety issues." is suing Denny's restaurants, claiming the chain has too much salt in its food. "The lawsuit asks the court to order Denny’s to list the sodium content of its food on the menu and warn about the hazards of consuming salt in high doses."

Here's my advice to the Center for Science in the Public Interest: If you think Denny's has too much salt in its food, don't eat there. Start a Web site that advocates others shouldn't eat there either. List all the dangers of a sodium-loaded diet. But don't go filing lawsuits that restrict my ability to get a Meat Lover's Scramble if and when I might be craving a Meat Lover's Scramble. If you educate me about the dangers of too much sodium in my diet and I still choose to go to Denny's, that's my choice and, as an American, I enjoy freedom of choice.

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