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Monday, April 6, 2009

'Young Turk' questions our desire to curb gun violence

Cenk Uygyur is the host of The Young Turks, the first ever live, daily web television talk show. The Young Turks are available from 7 to 9 a.m.. providing you have access to XM Satellite Radio (Channel 167). The show also has partnership deals on the web with You Tube, AOL, and The Young Turks is one of the Top 100 You Tube Partners, with over 3 million views a month on their You Tube Channel.

Cenk Uygur is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania - Wharton School of Business and Columbia University Law School. He worked as a lawyer, television writer and television host before starting The Young Turks. Cenk also blogs on Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Politico and AOL Newsbloggers.

I say all this just to assure you he is not someone who just fell off the back of the turnip truck. An article he wrote appeared today on the Huffington Post which asks the question "How many shootings do there have to be in the news before we wonder about the wisdom of allowing just about anyone to get a gun in America?" It's a question I have posed here before and, when I do, I always receive tons of responses from the gun advocates, who continue to argue the same old tired NRA rhetoric that makes absolutely no sense in a civilized society. Their argument is basically "We need to be able to shoot them before they shoot us." Tell that to the five children who were shotgunned to death in Washington recently by their own father. The gun nuts' response would be we need to provide those children with concealed weapons so they could defend themselves.

What was it that Bob Dylan asked 45 years ago now? "How many deaths will it take till we know that too many people have died?"

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