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Monday, December 3, 2007

The Last of the Big Spenders

I don't like the looks of this AP story that says the national debt is growing at an astounding rate of $1 MILLION PER MINUTE. Are there debt counselors for governments? Call 1-800-The-Boat-Is-Sinking.

It's easy for people of my generation to say there's nothing really to worry about here, but I'm really wondering if there is going to be anything left when my son reaches a certain age --will Social Security, for example, be a relic of a by-gone age by then.

I don't want to be the sky-is-falling alarmist here, but this really sounds serious. I would appreciate it if someone would tell me something that would ease my mind about this or, failing that, buy me a case of pinot so I could forget the whole matter.

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